Henry Driver on creating experimental artworks in Unity - Collusion

Henry Driver on creating experimental artworks in Unity

Collusion’s ART // TECH // PLAY video series shares insights from artists about their work with creative technologies, aiming to spark curiosity and act as an introduction for others who would like to incorporate similar techniques into their work and practice.

Henry Driver is an artist and developer focused on creating projects that connect audiences to nature in ways that we can combat climate change. Over the last three years Henry has specialised in using video games engine Unity to create his artworks. This video will provide an insight into Henry’s approach into using Unity to create his artwork, and also a look at how to utilise online digital market place Steam to distribute his work. Explore more of Henry’s work here – henrydriverartist.com

Further Resources

See resources available for virtual production in our Padlet with definitions, examples and types of hardware and software to use. Also check out our Padlet on 3D.


  • Arts Council England