Support us - Collusion

Support us

Love what we’re doing? We welcome your support.

Collusion is a not-for-profit organisation. We raise our own funds to deliver our programme of activities – including more than £1m over the past five years from the public, private, and academic sectors.

As our name implies, collusion – or collaboration – is key. We engage with a diverse range of partners to ensure we create opportunities with high potential to produce interesting and unexpected results. We work with partners in ways that achieve valuable outcomes for everyone involved.

Quality is very important to us, both in terms of work produced and of experience for anyone taking part in our activities. We recruit the best, most appropriate artists for the opportunities we present and pay them fairly and promptly for their involvement. We work openly, involving the public as collaborators and welcoming feedback. 

Have we sparked your interest? Whether you’ve already taken part in a Collusion activity or you’re finding out about us for the first time, we hope you’re reading this because we’ve inspired you to get involved. Your support will allow us to continue to grow Collusion, nurture artists, and make amazing work happen right here in Cambridge and the surrounding area. You can make donation via the button below or, if you’re interested in working with as a partner and/or sponsor, please contact us. We’ll be glad to hear from you.

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